Setting up a new business starts with a concept – providing something you love to other people who will love it too. Then comes the nuts and bolts of actually setting up your business – the reality of all that’s involved in being successful.

Many businesses succeed or fail based on the quality of their prior planning. These many details can be a source of stress and your limited startup funds. Unless you are a jack of all trades, you will need to hire help. Taking advantage of exclusive corporate discounts for your business makes the process easier.

1. Set Up a Business Plan 

This step is often disregarded by small businesses. You might think, “People already love my cupcakes!” But having a financial plan as well as realistic goals is really important – they provide the roadmap to your success.

2. Make Sure Your Legal List is Checked Off

There are lots of items to take care of at the federal, state and city/town level such as registering your business, paying fees, etc. It’s essential that you establish your LLC and alert relevant parties of your new business.

3. Create an Image

Creating an image for your business can be fun but requires prior planning. Your signage, letterhead, office, website, business cards, and promotional efforts should be consistent.

4. Decide on Your Accounting Procedures

Many small business owners are so excited to get going that they forget to set up their accounting. Running a business from your personal checkbook is not highly recommended. Choose software or accountant keep you on track.

5. Set Up Your Office Equipment

You’ll need a computer, printer, software and perhaps a network. You’ll also need comfortable work space. If you have employees, you’ll need these things for them too. This can all add up financially if you pay full price for everything.

Web based sites that offer exclusive corporate discounts can help you save money. To set up your web presence, have people compete for your business! When you need  accounting services, get a discount while hiring a professional.

Need exclusive discounts to help set up your successful small business? Contact us and we can help!